Efek Syukur terhadap Kesehatan Mental: A Systematic Review
Abstrak. Intervensi syukur memberikan berbagai efek pada kesehatan mental. Namun, review yang membahas outcome secara sistematis belum tersedia sehingga sistematik review ini akan mengidentifikasi secara sistematis efek syukur terhadap variabel-variabel kesehatan mental. Penelitian dengan sistematik review ini menggunakan artikel yang bersumber dari sciencedirect dan PubMed dengan menerapkan kata kunci gratitude intervention dan mental health, terbit tahun 2015- 2019, full text, berbahasa inggris, dan menggunakan metode randomized controlled trial (RCT). Artikel dipilih melalui proses penentuan pertanyaan penelitian, pencarian literatur, analisis referensi, dan merumuskan hasil. Didapatkan 6 artikel eligible dengan hasil analisis lebih lanjut mengungkapkan bahwa syukur memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan emosi negatif (stres dan depresi) dan meningkatkan emosi positif (mampu meningkatkan kepuasan hidup, hubungan sosial, dan menciptakan lingkungan yang positif). Intervensi syukur memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kesehatan mental sehingga intervensi ini dapat diintegrasikan perawat ke dalam proses penyusunan tindakan keperawatan.
Kata kunci: Gratitude, Intervensi keperawatan; Mental health; Sistematik review; Terapi.
Gratitude Effects on Mental Health: A Systematic Review
Abstract. Gratitude is one of the complementary therapies that nurses can provide in order to maintain mental health. The aim of the current study was to conduct a systematic review to identify the effects of gratitude on mental health variable. Articles used are from Sciencedirect and PubMed by applying gratitude and mental health as keywords, articles published in 2015-2019, full text, in English, and using a randomized controlled trial method. There were 54,427 articles obtained from search results on electronic database sources, while articles to be used after the analysis were carried out were as many as 6 eligible articles. The results of further analysis revealed that the effects of gratitude have an influence on decreasing negative emotions such as stress and depression, being able to increase life satisfaction, happiness, social relations, and create a positive environment. Gratitude intervention had a positive influence on mental health so that this intervention can be integrated nurses into the process of preparing nursing implementation.
Keywords: Gratitude; Mental health; Nursing intervention, Systematic Review; Therapy.