Pengaruh Massage Effleurage Dikombinasikan Relaksasi Nafas Dalam Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Haid Primer


  • Dzikra Nurseptiani Universitas Muhamamdiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
  • Wahyu Ersila Universitas Muhamamdiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
  • Sigit Prasojo Universitas Muhamamdiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan



Abstrak. Kejadian nyeri haid primer di Indonesia sendiri masih sangat besar persentasenya, yaitu sekitar 55%. Tingkat remaja akhir terutama mahasiswa yang mengalami nyeri haid disetiap proses menstruasi dapat menggangu aktivitas perkuliahannya, dimana kebanyakan mahasiswi tersebut menanganinya dengan tindakan farmakologi. Tehnik yang fisioterapi berikan untuk menurunkan skala nyeri berupa tindakan non farmakologi yaitu massage effleurage pada punggung dikombinasikan relaksasi nafas dalam. Massage ini dilakukan dengan cara gerakan gliding atau geser, sedikit tekanan tangan lembut pada kulit. Relaksasi nafas dalam dilakukan dengan pernafasan abdomen frekuensi lambat serta irama teratur dan mata yang terpejam sehingga terasa sensasi nyaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh massage effleurage dikombinasikan relaksasi nafas dalam tehadap penurunan nyeri haid primer. Desain penelitiannya quasi experiment. Pengambilan samplenya purposive sampling dengan 20 responden. Mengetahui pengaruh pada tindakan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon, hasil Z -4,027, ρ value 0,000 (< α = 0,05), artinya ada pengaruh massage effleurage dikombinasikan relaksasi nafas dalam terhadap penurunan nyeri haid primer.

Kata kunci : Massage Effleurage, Nyeri Haid Primer, Remaja, Relaksasi Nafas Dalam


The Effect of Massage Effleurage Combinations Breathing Relaxation to Menstrual Pain Reduction in Primary

Abstract. The percentage of primary menstrual pain in Indonesia itself is still very large, which is around 55%. The level of late adolescence, especially students who experience menstrual pain in every menstrual process can interfere with their lecture activities, where most of these students handle it with pharmacological measures. The technique that physiotherapy provides to reduce the pain scale is in the form of non-pharmacological actions, namely effleurage massage on the back combined with deep breathing relaxation. This massage is done by means of a gliding or sliding motion, with a little gentle hand pressure on the skin. Deep breath relaxation is done with slow abdominal breathing with a regular rhythm and the eyes closed so that a comfortable sensation is felt. This study aims to determine the effect of effleurage massage combined with deep breath relaxation on reducing primary menstrual pain. The research design is quasi experiment. Samples were taken by purposive sampling with 20 respondents. Knowing the effect on the action using the Wilcoxon test, Z results -4.027, ρ value 0.000 (<α = 0.05), meaning that there is an effect of massage effleurage combined with deep breath relaxation on reducing primary menstrual pain.

Keywords: Massage Effleurage, Primary Menstrual Pain, Adeloscence, Breath In Relaxation,



