Implementasi New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety terhadap Peningkatan Mutu dan Keselamatan Pasien
New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety adalah Suatu pengembangan metode pembelajaran peserta didik dengan menggunakan perawat sebagai model perannya (Preceptor) yang dilaksanakan di rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan mutu dan Keselamatan pasien di Rumah Sakit. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bersifat korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit dr. Soedjono Magelang,dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 peserta didik.Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai korelasi antara 2 variabel tersebut hasil 0,828 artinya hubungan sangat kuat. Sig.: tingkat signifikansi hubungan hasil 0,000 artinya signifikan pada level 0,1.Nilai T hitung > t tabel  =  14,798 > 1,68023. Sig.(2-tailed): Nilai probabilitas/p value uji T Paired: hasil = 0,000 artinya ada perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah implementasi. Sebab nilai p value > 0,05 (95% kepercayaan). Mean: - 26,844. Bernilai negatif artinya terjadi kecenderungan kenaikan nilai monitoring kepatuhan terhadap prosedur keselamatan pasien, rata-rata kenaikannya adalah 26,844. Implementasi New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety sangat berpengaruh untuk merubah perilaku peserta didik dalam melaksanakan enam prosedur sasaran keselamatan.
Kata Kunci : Implementasi New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety, Kepatuhan peserta didik terhadap prosedur keselamatan pasien.
Implementation of the New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety
The New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety is a development of the teaching methods of students using nurses as their role models (Preceptors) carried out in hospitals. This study was a quantitative descriptive study that was correlative with a cross sectional approach, carried out at the dr. Soedjono Magelang Hospital,with a sample of 45 students. The results of the study showed a correlation value between the two variables the result of 0.828 means the relationship was very strong. Sig .: the level of significance of the relationship of the results of 0,000 means significant at the level of 0.1. T value count> t table = 14,798> 1,68023. Sig. (2-tailed): Probability value / p value test T Paired: result = 0,000 means that there was a difference between before and after implementation. Because the p value was > 0.05 (95% confidence). Mean: - 26,844. Negative value means that there was a tendency to increase the value of monitoring compliance with patient safety procedures, the average increase was 26.844. The implementation of the New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety wass very influential in changing the behavior of students in implementing 6 (six) procedures for the safety target of patients.
Keywords: Implementation of the New Preceptorship Development Program for Patient Safety, Compliance of students with patient safety procedures