Analisis Perilaku Keuangan Masyarakat Dalamkonteks Pinjaman Rentenir: Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah
Decision Making, Loan Sharks, Credit, Islamic BanksAbstract
This study was conducted to gain a deeper understanding and analyze the factors that influence the community's borrowing behavior. It is hoped that in the future, the community will shift away from loan sharks and prefer existing banks, especially Islamic banks. The research methods used include direct interviews and the distribution of questionnaires to the villagers where the study was conducted. The sampling procedure in this study is the snowball sampling method with 68 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 2.2
The results of the study indicate that, simultaneously, the community's borrowing behavior is significantly influenced by Islamic financial literacy, needs, convenience, and collateral, as supported by the F-test result of 9.867. Meanwhile, partially, the factors of Islamic financial literacy and collateral have a significant negative influence on the community's borrowing behavior from loan sharks. The factor of needs has a significant positive influence on the community's borrowing behavior from loan sharks. The factor of convenience does not influence the community's borrowing behavior from loan sharks.
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