Allocation of the poor budget field of repatriation, social welfare budget allocation, social service performanceAbstract
The study aims to determine the effect of Budget Allocation in the Poor Reduction Sector and Social Welfare Budget Allocation on the Performance of Local Government Social Services throughout Central Java in 2019-2022. This study used the purposive sampling method so that ten regencies and cities in Central Java were obtained that were worthy of research. Tests were performed with simple linear regression analysis using the Windows SPSS 20 program. The t-test results showed that the Budget Allocation for the Poverty Reduction Sector does not affect the Performance of the Social Service for Poverty Reduction. At the same time, the Social Welfare Budget Allocation affects the Performance of the Social Service for Social Welfare Improvement. The coefficient of determination (R square) test results showed that the Social Service for Social Welfare Improvement performance variable is influenced by the Social Welfare Budget Allocation of 12.8. The results of the coefficient of determination (R Square) show that the performance of the Social Office for Poverty Reduction is influenced by the Budget Allocation for Poverty Reduction by 2.9%. In contrast, the rest is influenced by other variables not used in this study. Keywords: Budget Allocation in the Field of Poor Management, Social Welfare Budget Allocation, and Social Service Performance.
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